Opens Feb 3 2025 08:00 AM (EST)
Deadline Apr 17 2025 11:59 PM (EDT)

Fellows of ESA are individuals who have made outstanding contributions to entomology— via research, teaching, extension, administration, military service, and public engagement and science policy —and whose career accomplishments serve to inspire all entomologists. They need not be members of the Society.  

All submissions are due by 11:59 PM Eastern on April 17, 2025. You are able to save applications and come back  to them prior to the deadline; however once you have submitted your application you will not be able to edit. If you need to make changes after you have submitted contact awards@entsoc.org.

Newly Added Resources for Nominators
APPLICATION CHECKLIST - Ensures you have all the required items for the application.
BIOSKETCH TEMPLATE - Outlines the details to include within the three-page maximum biosketch.
SCORING RUBRICS - Provides the scoring rubrics used by the Governing Board.

Click Here for additional information on the ESA Fellows Award and eligibility criteria.  



Fellows of ESA are individuals who have made outstanding contributions to entomology— via research, teaching, extension, administration, military service, and public engagement and science policy —and whose career accomplishments serve to inspire all entomologists. They need not be members of the Society.  

All submissions are due by 11:59 PM Eastern on April 17, 2025. You are able to save applications and come back  to them prior to the deadline; however once you have submitted your application you will not be able to edit. If you need to make changes after you have submitted contact awards@entsoc.org.

Newly Added Resources for Nominators
APPLICATION CHECKLIST - Ensures you have all the required items for the application.
BIOSKETCH TEMPLATE - Outlines the details to include within the three-page maximum biosketch.
SCORING RUBRICS - Provides the scoring rubrics used by the Governing Board.

Click Here for additional information on the ESA Fellows Award and eligibility criteria.  

Feb 3 2025 08:00 AM (EST)
Apr 17 2025 11:59 PM (EDT)